1234 VR New Update - Force Staff

In this update, we have a new weapon: the force staff

Cost: 20000


  • Point the staff end toward the NPC, press and hold Trigger to grab and move them around.
  • When holding them, you can
    • move them around very fast to dismember them
    • press Primary button (X or A) to pull them toward you
    • use them as weapons to smack other NPCs
    • smack them on the ground to kill them
  • Release them by releasing trigger. Freeze them in place by holding them in place first then release trigger. Or you can throw them away. Your choice
  • This weapon works best with the shotgun. But you can use crossbow as well

Have fun!

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Head Collector VR (1234 VR) by Lil Husky VR (itch.io)


1234-patreon-main.zip 2.9 GB
Version 126 97 days ago

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